As a Volunteer Firefighter Captain, Safety is definitely a priority
Spray & Spiderweb Removal
Let’s face it – you find yourself saying you’ll tackle the windows ‘next weekend’ over and over and over. And when next weekend rolls around? The weather isn’t right, something more important pops up, or the idea of dragging a ladder around your house on your day off just seems like something that can wait until next weekend.
Every house is unique, so I provide you with a custom quote based on the level of difficulty of the job. My quotes are very rarely turned down. Why? Because most homeowners are surprised at how reasonable my rates are to clean their windows professionally.
Anyone who has cleaned their own windows knows how many hours it can take to get the job done, but that’s because it’s not their profession. In a few of hours, I can get done what takes most people a day or even two.
So not only will the windows actually get done, but they will look better and be finished in less time.
Add-On Services
While I specialize in window cleaning, there are often other jobs homeowners need taken care of. My experience with janitorial services and my ability to safely work from a ladder make it easy and cost-efficient for my clients to ask for those little extras while I’m at their home. Below, you will find a list of some of the add-on services I offer – but if there is something else you need, just ask.
Spray & Spider Web Removal

Gutter Cleaning

Power Washing

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