You know that white spotty stuff on your lower windows that just won’t wash off? They’re calcium deposits and are usually left over from having your sprinkler on.
While it can be nearly impossible to get them ‘good as new’, I do have a few tricks for cleaning them up to share with you.
There are two products that can remove the calcium from your lower windows.
The first one I recommend is muriatic acid, which you can find at any hardware store. You’re going to want to dilute it to 1 part acid, 10 parts water before you begin.
The other product I recommend, because in my experience many homeowners already have it, is CLR. You’ll need to dilute it to 1 part CLR, 1 part water.
Be sure to wear gloves and safety glasses when handling the chemicals. They do burn slightly. If you get any of the mixture on you, flush the area with water right away.
Apply your chemical mixture to the windows by using a spray bottle or a rag. You can also use a brush to rub it in. Be sure to toss the rag once you’ve finished – it will fall apart.
Next, you’ll need to clean the windows with lots of soapy water. For this, you can use a mixture of water and dish soap.
Finally, spray all of the soap and water off with a hose. For the best results, use a squeegee to remove the water.
With this process, your lower windows should look a lot cleaner than before.